The regulations of the competition
Saint Petersburg, Russia
1. The VI International competition of music of S. V. Rachmaninov will be held in St. Petersburg from 5 to 15 November 2016.
2. Musicians – pupils , students and graduates of Children’s music school, Children’s school of arts, lyceums, gymnasiums, average special and highest musical educational institutions on the following nominations and age categories can participate in a competition:
The I category – till 11 years (inclusive)
The II category – from 12 to 15 years (pupils of Children’s music school, Children’s school of arts, lyceums, gymnasiums)
The III category – pupils of average special professional musical educational institutions.
The IV category – students and university graduates (till 35 years inclusive)
The I category – till 11 years (inclusive)
The II category – from 12 to 15 years (pupils of Children’s music school, Children’s school of arts, lyceums, gymnasiums)
The III category – pupils of average special musical educational institutions.
The IV category – students and university graduates (till 35 years inclusive)
The I category – pupils of the senior classes Children’s music school, Children’s school of arts, lyceums, gymnasiums, average special musical educational institutions
The II category – students and university graduates (till 35 years inclusive)
The I category – from 15 to 22 years (inclusive)
The II category – from 23 to 28 years (inclusive)
The III category – from 29 to 37 years (inclusive)
The IV category – actors of chorus, conductors the academic chorus, amateurs of 18-37 years.
3. The age of the competitors is defined as on November 1, 2016.
Citizenship and nationality has no bearing.
4. Performances of participants are estimated by competent jury among which authoritative musicians and teachers from Russia, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland and Estonia.
The performances are judged according to the following criteria: technical quality of the performance, expression, mastering of the form of the performed piece, mastering of the music style of the performed piece, artistic impression, conformance of the performed repertoire to the age and abilities of the performer, novelty and credibility of the interpretation.
The decision of jury at all stages of holding a competition is final and isn't subject to the appeal. System of an assessment – 10-mark.
1– very bad, 2 – bad, 3 – mediocre, 4 – tolerable, 5 – not good enough, 6 – good, 7 — very good, 8 – excellent, 9 – wonderful, 10 – superb.
Judges can't take part in estimation of the pupils participating in a competition.
The order of performance of participants is chosen by lot. In case of absence of the participant on draw (on condition of confirmation of participation in a competition) one of the remained numbers is appropriated to him)
5. The I round is selection one in the nominations "Piano", "Piano Ensembles", "Chamber Ensembles" and "Solo Singing" the IV category (actors of chorus, conductors the academic chorus, amateurs of 18-37 years) and is carried out on audio or videos.
The I round in the nomination "Solo Singing" (1,2,3 categories) is internal.
6. No more than 50% of participants of selection round are allowed to participation in the 2nd round. In the Final no more than 5 participants of the 2nd round are allowed.
7. Final round in the nomination "Piano" (3 and 4 categories) takes place in accompanying of a piano, in the nomination "Solo Singing" (2 and 3 categories) – the leader. Participants of a competition in the nominations "Piano" (3 and 4 categories) and "Solo singing" act accompanied by own pianists and leaders.
Competitive listenings take place in Big and Small concert halls of Children’s school of arts of S. V. Rachmaninov to the address: St. Petersburg, Korolenko St., 2
The opening and closing of the competition will be held in the small hall of the Philharmonic M. Glinka
8. The winners of the first three places of the competition are given the title of the Award Winner. To the participants of final round who did not receive prize-winning places the rank of the “Diploma holder” is given. According to the decision of jury certain participants of the II round can be marked out by special diplomas and prizes. Diplomas also mark out the pianists and leaders participating in performance of winners in the nominations "Piano" (3 and 4 categories) and "Solo singing".
9. The participant must provide to Organizing committee for participation in a competition:
- the request according to the established form (see the Appendix No. 1)
(for the participants of 1,2,3 categories in the nominations "Piano", "Piano Ensembles" and 1 category in the nomination "Chamber Ensembles" who are pupils of educational institutions – the request certified by the signature of the head of educational institution and the stamp)
- copy of the certificate of birth or passport (2nd and 3rd pages.)
- the photo for the publication in the booklet and on the website
- a video or audio recording of the program of selection round (only for the nominations "Piano", "Piano Ensemble", "Chamber Ensemble", "Solo Singing" the IV category (actors of chorus, conductors the academic chorus, amateurs of 18-37 years).
- the short creative biography with the indication of the opera sets which are available in repertoire (only for the nomination "Solo Singing");
Applications are accepted on paper by mail of Russia to the address: 191104, St. Petersburg, Korolenko St., 2. Children’s school of arts of S. V Rachmaninov, with a mark "Competition", and also are duplicated in electronic form in the *.doc, *.docx format. The photo must be a resolution not less than 300 dpi, recommended size - 1280х720, the recommended volume - from 2 to 5 MB.
Audio-and videos can be placed on free file exchange services such as "VKontakte", "YouTube", Yandex.Disk) or are enclosed in the letter (application) on the digital media storage. In the letter (request) it is necessary to give a link to download the file. It is also possible to give the reference in social networks.
E-mail for sending requests:
"Solo singing" -
"Piano", "Piano ensembles", "Chamber ensembles" -
Requests accepting from August 20 to October 15, 2016.
The correcting of the declared program is possible before October 15, 2016 after that, modification of the program is not allowed.
10. The winners of the contest receive cash prizes. The bonus fund is formed by CHARITY FOUNDATION OF SUPPORTS AND DEVELOPMENTS OF CHILDREN'S AND YOUTHFUL PERFORMING ART "DIVERTISSEMENT" from donations of individuals and legal entities, and also from sponsor's funds (see the Appendix No. 2)
The winners can be awarded with special prizes from sponsors and jury members/
11. If necessary the Organizing committee can provide to nonresident participants information on the hotels located in close proximity to Children’s school of arts of S. V. Rachmaninov. All expenses on stay in St. Petersburg are incurred by the participant.
12. Nonresident participants have an opportunity to use Children’s school of arts classrooms of S. V. Rachmaninov during a competition. Classrooms are free of charge provided in morning and an evening (from 09:00 till 13:00 and from 19:00 till 21:00)
13. For preparation for holding a competition the Organizing committee into which representatives of Committee on culture of St. Petersburg, Administration of the Central district of St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg Rakhmaninovsky society, Divertisment Charity foundation, the St. Petersburg Children’s school of arts of S. V. Rachmaninov is created.
The director of a competition – the director of " S.V. Rakhmaninov Sankt-Peterburg childrens school of arts ", the Honoured worker of culture Elena Okhromenko.
Program requirements
PIANO, 1st age category (till 11 years inclusive)
I round (selection, on audio or video)
1. One piece of S. V. Rachmaninov
(from the program of the 2nd round)
2. Piece I. S. Bach: two - or the three-part invention
or 1 part from the French suites, the English suites or partitas
(from the program of the 2nd round)
II round (up to 15 minutes)
1. I. S. Bach piece: two - or the three-part invention
or part from the French, English suites or partitas
2. One or several pieces of the Russian composers of 19
or 1st half of the 20th century
3. One or several pieces of S. V. Rachmaninov
III round * (up to 20 minutes)
1. 1st part or the 2nd + 3rd parts of the sonata or sonatina,
or J. Haydn, W.-A. Mozart, L. Beethoven, F. Kulau, M. Clementia's variations
2. Two various plays of the Russian composers of 19 – the 1st half of the 20th century
3. One or several pieces of S. V. Rachmaninov
* repeating in the 3rd round pieces of Rachmaninov, performed in the 2nd round, is not allowed
PIANO, 2nd age category (from 12 to 15 years, pupils of Children’s music school, Children’s school of arts, lyceums, gymnasiums)
I round (selection, on audio-or to videos)
1. One piece of S. V. Rachmaninov
(from the program of the 2nd round)
2. I.S. Bach. One 3-voices invention or a prelude and the fugue from THE WELL TEMPERED CLAVIER
(from the program of the 2nd round)
II round (up to 15 minutes)
1. I.S. Bach. One 3-voices invention or a prelude and the fugue from THE WELL TEMPERED CLAVIER
2. One or several pieces of the Russian composers of19 or 1st half of the 20th century
3. One or several pieces of S.V. Rachmaninov
III round * (up to 25 minutes)
1. 1st part or 2nd and 3rd parts of the sonata of the composer of the Vienna classical school
or the Russian composer of 19 - the 1st half of the 20th century
2. Two etudes of K. Cherni on different types of technique from op.299, op.740
3. One or several pieces of S.V. Rachmaninov
* repeating in the 3rd round pieces of Rachmaninov, performed in the 2nd round, is not allowed
PIANO, 3rd age category (pupils of average special professional musical educational institutions)
I round (selection, on audio or to videos)
1. One work of S. V. Rachmaninov
(from the program of the 2nd round)
2. One etude of the Russian composer
(from the program of the 2nd round)
II round (up to 20 minutes)
1. One etude of the Russian composer
2. I.-S. Bach. A prelude and the fugue from THE WELL TEMPERED CLAVIER
3. One or several pieces of S. V. Rachmaninov (performance of processing pieces of Rachmaninov is possible: Wilde, Kursanov, Gryaznov, Yurovsky, Volodos)
III round (accompanied by a piano)
S. V. Rachmaninov. One of the next concerts:
— A concert for piano with an orchestra No.1 op.1 fis-moll (the 2nd, main edition) - I or II-III parts;
— A concert for piano with an orchestra No. 2 op.18 c-moll - I or II-III parts
PIANO, 4th age category (students of higher education institutions and graduates, till 35 years inclusive)
I round (selection, on audio or videos)
1. Etude of the Russian composer
(from the program of the 2nd round)
2. Rachmaninov's work (performance of processing pieces of Rachmaninov is possible: Wilde, Kursanov, Gryaznov, Volodos)
(from the program of the 2nd round)
II round (up to 30 minutes)
1. 2 etudes of the Russian composers
2. Prelude and fugue of Bach, Rimsky-Korsakov, Taneev, Shchedrin, Shostakovich's
3. One or several pieces of Rachmaninov (performance of processing pieces of Rachmaninov is possible: Wilde, Kursanov, Gryaznov, Yurovsky, Volodos)
III round (accompanied by a piano)
S. V. Rachmaninov. One of the next piano concerts:
No. 1 op.1 fis-moll (2nd, main edition),
No. 2 op.18 c-moll
No. 3 op.30 d-moll
(I or II + III parts)
The rhapsody of Paganini op.43
PIANO ENSEMBLES (DUETS), 1st age category (till 11 years inclusive)
I round (selection, on audio-or to videos)
One or several works of the Russian composers 19 - the 1st half of the 20th century
(from the program of the 2nd round)
II round (up to 15 minutes)
One or several pieces of the Russian composers 19 - the 1st half of the 20th century
III round * (up to 15 minutes)
One or several pieces of Rachmaninov
* repeating in the 3rd round pieces, performed in the 2nd round, is not allowed
P.S. – four-handed pieces must be played on one piano.
PIANO ENSEMBLES (DUETS), 2nd age category (12 to 15 years, students of music schools, art colleges, high schools)
I round (selective, by audio - or video recording)
One or more works of Russian composers of 19 - 20th century
(from 2nd round)
II round (up to 15 minutes)
One or more works of Russian composers of 19 - 20th century
III round * (up to15 minutes)
One or more works of Rachmaninov
* Not allowed a repeat performance in the 3rd round of works executed in the 2nd round.
P.S. – for four hands pieces must be played on a single piano
FORTEPIANNAYA (DUETS), 3rd age category(students of secondary special music schools)
I round (selective, by audio - or video recording)
Piece of the Russian composer of the 19 or first half of the 20th century
(from 2nd round)
II round (up to 20 minutes)
1.Piece of the Russian composer of the 19 or first half of the 20th century.
2. Piece of the modern composer (second half 20 or 21 centuries)
III round * (25 minutes)
One or more works of Rachmaninov
* Not allowed a repeat performance in the 3rd round of works executed in the 2nd round
NB – for four hands pieces must be played on a single piano
PIANO ENSEMBLES (DUETS), the 4th age category (students and university graduates, till 35 years inclusive)
I round (selection, on audio-or to videos)
1. Piece of the Russian composer of the 19 or first half of the 20th century
(from the program of 2nd round)
II round (up to 20 minutes)
1. Piece of the Russian composer of the 19 or first half of the 20th century
2. Piece of the modern composer (second half 20 or 21 centuries)
III round * (up to 25 minutes)
One or several pieces of Rachmaninov
* repeating in the 3rd round pieces, performed in the 2nd round, is not allowed
P.S. – four-handed pieces must be played on one piano.
CHAMBER ENSEMBLES, 1st age category (pupils of the senior classes Children’s music school, Children’s school of arts, lyceums, gymnasiums, medium special musical educational institutions)
I round (selection, on audio or videos)
1. Piece of the Vienna classics or separate parts for choice
(from the program 2nd round)
II round (up to 30 minutes)
1. Piece of the Vienna classics or separate parts for choice
2. Piece of the Russian composer 19 or beginnings of the 20th century
III round * (up to 30 minutes)
1. One or several pieces of Rachmaninov or transposition of piece of Rachmaninov
2. Piece of the modern composer
* repeating in the 3rd round pieces, performed in the 2nd round, is not allowed
CHAMBER ENSEMBLES, the 2nd age category (students and university graduates, till 35 years inclusive)
I round (selection, on audio or videos)
1. Piece of the Vienna classics or separate parts for choice
(from the program of 2nd round)
II round (up to 30 min.)
1. Piece of the Vienna classics or separate parts for choice
2. Piece of the Russian composer 19 or beginnings of the 20th century
III round * (up to 30 min.)
1. One or several pieces of Rachmaninov or transposition of pieces of Rachmaninov
2. Pieces of the modern composer
* repeating in the 3rd round pieces, performed in the 2nd round, is not allowed
SOLO SINGING, 1st age category (from 15 to 22 years inclusive)
I round, (up to 15 minutes)
2 romances of S. V. Rachmaninov
The aria from the opera of the Russian composer
II round *, (up to 15 minutes)
1. 2 romances of S. V. Rachmaninov
2. Piece of the Russian composer of the 20th century (aria, song, romance)
III round *, (up to 15 minutes)
1. The aria from the opera of the Russian composer
2. The aria from the opera of the foreign composer
* repeating of the pieces, performed on the previous rounds, is not allowed
SOLO SINGING, the 2nd age category (from 23 to 28 years inclusive)
I round (up to 15 minutes)
1. S. V. Rachmaninov's romance
2. N. A. Rimskij-Korsakov's romance
3. M. I. Glinka's romance
4. P. I. Tchaikovsky's romance
II round * (up to 15 minutes)
1. 2 romances of S. V. Rachmaninov
2. Piece of the composer of the 20th century
3. The aria from the opera of the Russian composer
III round * (up to 15 minutes)
1. The aria from the opera of the Russian composer
2. The aria from the opera of the foreign composer
* repeating of the pieces, performed on the previous rounds, is not allowed
SOLO SINGING, 3rd age category (from 29 to 37 years inclusive)
I round, (up to 20 minutes)
1. 2 romances of S. V. Rachmaninov
2. Piece of the composer of the 20th century
3. A vocal fragment from vocal and symphonic repertoire
II round *, (till 20 minutes)
1. 2 romances of S. V. Rachmaninov
3. The aria from the opera of the Russian composer
4. The aria from the opera of the foreign composer
III round *, (till 20 minutes)
1. The aria from the opera of the Russian composer
2. The aria from the opera of the foreign composer
* repeating of the pieces, performed on the previous rounds, is not allowed
SOLO SINGING, the 4th age category (artists of chorus, conductors the academic chorus, amateurs of 18-37 years inclusive)
I round, (selection, on audio-or to videos)
1. 2 romances of S. V. Rachmaninov
2. the aria from the opera of the Russian composer of the 20th century
II round *, (up to 15 minutes)
1. 2 romances of S. V. Rachmaninov
3. The aria from the opera of the Russian composer
4. The aria from the opera of the foreign composer
III round *, (up to 15 minutes)
1. The aria from the opera of the Russian composer
2. The aria from the opera of the foreign composer
* repeating of the pieces, performed on the previous rounds, is not allowed
St. Petersburg children's school of arts of S. V. Rachmaninov. St. Petersburg, Korolenko St., 2. Ph. (812) 272-61-67, 579-97-65, 272-53-81, 272-52-79, (on weekdays from 14:00 till 19:00)
e-mail: coordinator of a competition, nomination "Solo Singing"
e-mail: of the nomination "Piano", "Piano Ensembles", "Chamber Ensembles"
e-mail: general questions,
official site:
VKontakte group: